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We like to thank all members who voted for their favorite story!

The winner isthe story of Mark 58 with 44 votes, Congratulation to Mark!!

Below you can see the results of the voting, clicking on the article you read the whole story

What is next? Our producer will soon start selecting the models for the story and start filming the scene. We'll soon follow up

In high school, I was in the same class with sexy Chris (19), the tallest, most popular boy in the school, and I was 18 years old..... (read more )
Your vote!
Mark 58
WINNER Total votes: 44
Jon, Leo, and Charlie were finishing up at their athletics club and getting ready for a sleepover to celebrate Jon's 18th birthday a few days earlier. Jon for the first time in a long time managed to set a new personal best, beating Charlie in the process. On the way out of the athletics club, Leo smacked Jon on the ass as a sign to say well done. Charlie, a little annoyed flicked Jon in the crotch, something the boys did to jest eachother..... (read more )
Your vote!
Total votes: 29
After getting catfished so many times over the years, I seriously questioned whether all those pics on Grindr belonged to THE actual Oscar Long, elite college runner and world-class twink. But as I waited for him to hop on the train, I double and triple-checked online: All signs indicated his school, Staxus University, did in fact have a big, important track meet just a few stops away today..... (read more )
Your vote!
Total votes: 11
The halls of the high school were buzzing with excitement as students rushed to their next class. Among them was a young, attractive white blonde boy named Alex. He had piercing blue eyes and a clean-shaven body that made him stand out among the other students. But his mind was focused on one thing - the hot, tall black boy he had seen in the hallways...... (read more )
Your vote!
Nick Click
Total votes: 10
I've spent my military service in the artillery branch. In our unit, there was a soldier named Hossein Torkashvand. White-skinned, beautiful, and very, very sexy! In Iran, we call boys like him "American boy!"..... (read more )
Your vote!
Abdullah Massiha
Total votes: 9
My name's Matt. This story takes place in 2006, the summer before I went off to college. I was an 18 year old boy, enjoying my last summer home. One day in June, my parents had decided to take day trip to the beach for some shopping. This was great news for me -- it meant freedom for the day. I enjoyed smoking weed back then, so I was able to hit the pipe all day, so long as I had ample time to clear out the smell...... (read more )
Your vote!
Suhaib Mirza
Total votes: 8
I was 18 Caucasian athletic guy at university. Over several weeks my roomie got increasingly tactile putting his arms around my shoulder and stroking my back and ass. My roomie Kal was a Caucasian, six’4” tall, built powerfully, with lean muscles, a small waist and wide shoulders, muscled arms, beefy chest, brown hair, and green eyes. Then one day he ran his hand right up the inside of my leg, I shuddered and inhaled deeply. With his other hand..... (read more )
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Gianfranco Maitilasso
Total votes: 5
In high school, I was in the same class with sexy Chris (19), the tallest, most popular boy in the school, and I was 18 years old..... (read more )
Your vote!
Mark Carl
Total votes: 4
Mike and Booker were both high school seniors, but they came from completely different backgrounds. Mike was the popular white jock, who was known for his good looks and athletic abilities. Booker, on the other hand, was the quiet and reserved tall black teen, who kept to himself..... (read more )
Your vote!
Nick Click
Total votes: 3
Dave is laying with his boyfriend, Brad. He hears a ding. Dave checks his phone. "LAST CHANCE TO PAY YOUR RENT, OR YOU'RE OUT. YOU HAVE UNTIL FRIDAY" They both look at the text. Brad frowns..... (read more )
Your vote!
Thane Pullan
Total votes: 2
I had always harbored a clandestine crush on my close friend, Alex. Despite his committed relationship with Mark, rumors swirled about Mark's infidelity, and I burned with the desire to comfort Alex in more ways than one ..... (read more )
Your vote!
Amer Qushairy
Total votes: 1
Martin and Jack are strangers. They are outside a house. Two guys in black coats open the door. "Hi, I'm Bill, and this is my 2IC George. You two want to be accepted into the Bondage Frat?".... (read more )
Your vote!
Thane Pullan
Total votes: 0
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In high school, I was in the same class with sexy Chris (19), the tallest, most popular boy in the school, and I was 18 years old.

I have never felt anything for a man in my life, but every time I see Chris… I am impressed by his tall height and size. I wanted to lie under him. At first, this seemed very strange to me, but then I got used to it, after all, with his charisma as well as his height, he was the alpha male that everyone wanted to have.

After each gym class, I was watching Chris in the locker room while he was undressing... As far as I could see, it wasn't just his height that was tall. This was driving me even crazier. But I couldn't do anything because I thought, "What can Chris do with me? The kid already has a beautiful girlfriend." But the truth of the matter is not like that. Chris' behavior towards me changed after he realized I cut him in the locker room. He understood that I would be passive towards him and he took the first step that drove me crazy. Chris and I were deskmates. One day, he threw his pen on the ground and asked me to pick it up. When I bent down to pick up his pen, he took my hand and put it on his dick, his dick was hard as a rock. I couldn't take my hand off for a while. If he is brazen, does it look good at all? You take your friend's dick in your hand. He was joking, but I didn't take my hand, he took it himself. One day he fingers my ass, the other day he deliberately comes and slaps my face and starts a fight. He was holding her in his arms while fighting. Since he was taller and stronger than me, there was no way I could resist. Chris was now putting his dick in my hand or fingering my ass whenever he wanted. However, since he did all of this jokingly, our high school life was going by as if we were both constantly checking each other out...

Close to Graduation; Last year, when we were getting dressed in class after gym class, there were only two of us left in the classroom. Chris obviously picked up the tool again and started teasing me. Even though I don't remember the subject, he made a sentence like "I'll fuck you now", so I involuntarily used a sentence like "Son, where are you fucking, come and let me see...". However, when I said this sentence, I would never have thought that he would actually try to fuck her. As soon as he heard Chris, he stopped wearing his trousers and came towards me in his boxers, my back was facing him... He lifted one of my legs and put it on the bench, the guy was literally making me position himself to fuck me, one foot was on the desk and one foot was on the ground, after he got me to the perfect fit, he got behind me and put his dick on me. Of course, it was erect and it was coming and going exactly in line with my asshole, but we were both wearing boxers and we were just rubbing. Meanwhile, Chris started to go hardcore, first he pulled my hair, then he started squeezing my throat while he was pressing his dick from behind, when he squeezed my throat very hard, I started to moan involuntarily, my moans started. Chrisi accelerated even more, he was literally fucking me in his boxers. He let go of my throat and grabbed my hips and started to come and go. Meanwhile, he squeezed my throat and slapped me in the face. With the last slap, I ejaculated while standing, my knees buckled and I collapsed on the bench, Chris collapsed on top of me, we both ejroom at that time. If he had, the sight he would have seen would have been two men, tops and bottoms, piled up on a desk. While Chris was on top of me, he lifted my head and kissed my forehead… and said, “You saiaculated. Thank God, no one entered the classd fuck, so I fucked.” said. I couldn't say anything, I was already out of breath. We immediately took off our boxers, cleaned ourselves and got dressed. Interestingly, after the incident, we both stopped talking to each other. The end of high school was approaching anyway. We were probably both ashamed of this situation, but when I thought about it myself, I wasn't ashamed at all. I was even proud of it, but we couldn't be in the same environment. While I was thinking to myself, I was proud that, wow, all the girls in school wanted this boy throughout his high school life, and he fucked me before all of them. He did things to me that he wouldn't even do to his girlfriend.


I've spent my military service in the artillery branch. In our unit, there was a soldier named Hossein Torkashvand. White-skinned, beautiful, and very, very sexy! In Iran, we call boys like him "American boy!" or "white-skinned, beautiful, and very, very sexy." He quickly understood that I was attracted to him! Of course, our story began with financial matters. But my American boy knew what I wanted from him. I didn't realize he was a bottom and a top! I spent three whole months chasing after him and begging him, but it was useless. My American boy was a bottom, but he was a top too! After three months of pleading, he made his decision clear to me! One night, very bluntly and in a language everyone could understand, he told me: "Don't force it! I don't want you to be my friend, I want you to be my toilet!" Accept it, or die! Oh!

My American boyfriend! Only I and people like me understand why at the age of 20, you climbed onto that bridge and threw yourself under the wheels of that trailer! I need to talk to someone like myself! I need to talk to someone like myself! Movie: Pray for Bobby! Bobby, my American boyfriend! April 13, 2024. Iran - Rasht Industrial City. (Province: Gilan).

Abdullah Massiha

First Time With Neighbor Daddy

My name's Matt. This story takes place in 2006, the summer before I went off to college. I was an 18 year old boy, enjoying my last summer home. One day in June, my parents had decided to take day trip to the beach for some shopping. This was great news for me -- it meant freedom for the day. I enjoyed smoking weed back then, so I was able to hit the pipe all day, so long as I had ample time to clear out the smell. It was around midday that Saturday, and I had just finished smoking and decided I'd go outside, turn some tunes on and wash my truck. Being midsummer, I thought I could work on my tan so when I head off to school I'd have a nice tan for the women. God I love women. So shirtless I went out, all 145 lbs of me, wearing only mesh shorts. I had been going for about 20 minutes when I heard a voice from behind me. Turning around, I saw a face I had seen hundreds of times growing up.

My neighbor, Mr. Stanton. He was a divorcee with a son a few years older than me. If I had to guess, he was probably around 45 years old. His beard and hair had started showing a hint of grey in recent years. He had lived beside me ever since I could remember. I guess he must have been a hit with the ladies, because I was always seeing ladies coming and going from his house. The window to my bedroom faced his house so I could hear him and his guess coming in late at night on the weekends.

"Hey Matty", Mr. Stanton says. "Giving the ride a bath huh?"

"Yes sir Mr. Stanton" I reply.

We make small talk for a few minutes. I continue to wash the truck talking back. I was a small boy, standing 5'7. So when I get to the roof of the truck I have to get on my tip toes or a bucket to make sure it gets clean. With my bucket not near me, I struggle to reach the middle of the roof. Seeing my struggling, Mr. Stanton gets up. "Let me help you with that". He was a much larger man, being around 6'2 and an athletic build of 205 lbs.

Before I can say anything he is right behind me taking the sponge. It's kind of a weird position we are in. I'm somewhat pinned between him and my truck. As he leans forward to get the center of the roof, he puts a little pressure against the back of my body, and that's the first time I felt it. Right away, I knew what it was pressing up against my right cheek. It felt big, bigger than mine. I wasn't the only one wearing thin shorts that day, so I was able to feel it slide back and forth as he worked the roof of the truck.

At first I was somewhat confused, never having experienced anything like this before. I had always liked women, and they me. But something about feeling Mr. Stanton's dick up against me struck some sort of curiosity switch in my brain. As he reached for the far end, he put his hand on the small of my back to get better leverage. When I saw him make his final reach for the far side of the roof, I "discretely" pushed my body back into the crouch at the same time as he was pushing forward, pushing his dick up against me in a less discrete manor.

Mr. Stanton backed away and handed me the sponge, smiling and said "there ya go Matt." Grinning back, I mustered out a thank you.

"I saw your parents head out this morning. Another shopping trip at the beach today?" Mr. Stanton asked me.

"Yes sir. Said they'd be gone until tonight at least."

"Your parents, I tell ya." He replied. "well, if there is anything else you need help with, give me a shout" he says as he begins to talk back home.

Without even thinking, I said "Well, I'm trying to move the TV from the living room out of the cabinet. It's kinda big so an extra person would help. Could you give me a hand with that real quick?"

What was I doing?! Did I really just invite Mr. Stanton, the man who just not-so-discretely rubbed his dick up against my butt into my house?

"Absolutely" he smiles back at me.

Nervous, and practically shaking, I lead him into my parent's house, locking the door behind him.. As we walk back to the living room, I suddenly remember. Crap -- I moved the TV yesterday when my buddy Mark was over. We get back to the room, and there it is, on the floor. As I walk up to, I stumble over my words, not knowing what to do next.

"Uh.. whoops. Sorry, uh Mr. Stanton. I forgot I had moved it yesterday."

I turn around, and am stunned to see Mr. Stanton blocking the doorway, rubbing his hand over the outline of his dick through his thin shorts. Shocked, I stare for a few moments too long. But it was too much -- I was unable to look away. I could see it growing bigger as he continued to rub the outline. But I knew it wasn't fully hard because of how he flopped it -- which surprised me because it was already the length of mine and maybe thicker. Myself, I am a solid 6" so I was surprised to see how big his was getting.

"Uh, Mr. Stanton. What are you doing??.."

"Don't worry Matt. I know why you really invited me in. Don't think I didn't purposely rub my cock against your soft ass. And you know I felt you push back on me. Just admit it."

Unsure of what to do, I denied "Whoa Mr. Stanton. I don't know what the heck you're talking about"

"Oh is that so Matt. Hm. I know that smell" he says as he takes a whiff of the air. "That smells a lot like weed. I bet your parents don't know about this do they. And what a shame it would be if they found out."

"Mr. Stanton, come on. You wouldn't tell them would you."

"Oh yeah Matt. And more, I'd tell them about the drug dealers you have over here when they are gone on their trips."

"That's BS Mr. Stanton. And you know that!"

"who are they going to believe Matt? You, the child, or me, the adult neighbor and best friend of your fathers?"

"Mr. Stanton, please come on."

"Well Matt, looks like you're going to have to do as I say. Get over here, and get down on your knees."

Not wanting to get in trouble, I let out a shallow "..Ok.." and walk over to him. Right in front of him, I nervously get down on my knees. I could not believe what was going on. I was in such shock at the sense of arousal that I was feeling that I was under some control of his, obeying him without thinking twice.

On my knees, he grabbed the back of my head and rubbed his dick up against my face. I could feel it sliding back and forth across my nose. By now it was almost fully erect. He told me to grab his waist line and slowly pull down his shorts. With my fingers in his waistband, I looked up into his eyes, asking again "Please Mr. Stanton".

"Ssh.. boy.. Call me daddy"

He takes hold of my wrist and slides them down, forcing his underwear down, the whole time staring into my eyes with a smug look that tells me he knows he has control.

I don't break eye contact with him as his underwear is slowly pulled down over his now fully erect cock. When suddenly they are down and something solid strikes me beneath my chin.

All I can do is stare at it. It's at least 8 inches long, and thick enough so that I doubt if my hand would be able to wrap around it. His balls are big and hang low. The smell is intoxicating.

He grabs his cock and slowly strokes it right in front of my face. He begins to rub the head against my cheeks, moaning. With his hand still on the back of my head, he brings the head of his cock to my mouth and tells me to open up. I do as he says, scared to death but so aroused, and let him enter my now willing mouth. The underside of his cock rubs against the top of my tongue as he lets it rest in my mouth for a few seconds. I can feel pressure on the back of my head, indicating he wants me to go deeper on his cock. I let him force his dick deeper into my throat. It's half way in my throat before I gag on its length. Laughing, he pulls out his cock.

"Pretty big huh? Don't worry. We'll work on that" he says as he puts it back in my mouth. I close my mouth and begin sucking again. It isn't long before I notice how turned on I am. My dick has now become rock hard and I've even noticed that he removed his hand and it is now fully me sucking his cock.

I love this. I never knew I would but I do. I am sucking his cock now with all the might I can muster. Trying my hardest to take him all in my throat. I've had my dick sucked before by girls, so I know what feels good. I suck on the head of his dick, exploring the hole with my tongue as I jerk his cock in my hand.

"What a good boy. You like sucking Daddy's dick don't you?"

Drooling, I am able to look up into his eyes and let out a whisper "Yes Daddy". I've fully given in. He stands me up, turns me around, and walks me to the sofa. He pulls down my shorts, causing me to be naked in front of another man for the first time in my life. I can feel the head of his hard cock rubbing between my as cheeks as he stands behind me.

With his forceful hands, he leans me onto the couch, putting my knees up on the cushions and face into the backrest. My virgin hole is fully exposed to me neighbor. His hands are exploring my ass, rubbing all over. Then he rubs a finger over my hole, and I perk up from the sensation.

"You like that don't you boy? Don't worry, there will be more to come"

Then I feel a warm tingling as he buries his face in my ass. He is now ravishing my hole with his tongue, and I've never had a feeling like this before. I'm moaning into the cushions as his tongue explores my hole. Then I feel something slid in, penetrating my virgin ass for the first time. My butt clenches as he puts a finger in, sliding it in and out. It feels amazing; I don't want this to stop. I reach down and start jerking off my cock, feeling precum leaking out of my head already. He removes my hand, telling me not to waste it. He then inserts another finger, and I do as he says, removing my hand and enjoying this full feeling.

He then forcefully flips me over, putting my back on the seat cushion and my holding my legs in the air. My cock is now standing straight up in front of his face as he puts his mouth around it. It is the most extraordinary feeling as his wet mouth goes up and down all the way on my cock. He then takes it to the next level as he shoves a finger back into my wet ass. I think I'm about to cum. "I'm GOING TO CUM DADDY" I let out. And right before I do, he stop.

"Not yet boy"

He tells me to lay across the sofa now, with my head over the headrest. Moving to stand above me. He holds his cock in his hand as he brings his balls up to my upside mouth. He places this in my mouth and lets me suck his balls in and out of my mouth as he strokes his dick.

"Yeah boy, that feels so good. Suck daddy's big balls. You want to taste daddy's dick again? Tell me you want daddy's dick again. Tell me you want it down your throat again"

"Please daddy, put your cock back in my throat. I want daddy's cock."

He is pleased. He lowers his cock into my mouth and begins forcing it as deep into my throat as he can. He picks up the pace and works a motion so that he is now fully fucking my face. I feel so hot. I can feel how slick his cock is getting as it slides in and out of my throat. I feel his cock tensing, and I know what is coming. I want it so bad!

But then, he stops. Backing away from me. I'm surprised.

"What's wrong daddy? Did I do something wrong?"

"No boy. Daddy isn't done with you yet."

He stands me up and turns me around so his cock is wedged against my ass.

"Take me to your room boy. Grab daddy's cock, and take him to your room"

"yes daddy"

I grab his cock. It's so wet and slick. I lead him back to my bedroom.

"Get on the bed. It's time for you to take all of daddy"

I get on the bed and he motions for me to turn around. I get on my hands and knees, putting my face to the bed so my ass is sticking straight up to him. I'm so horny at this point it's unbearable. I'm ready.

"Are you ready for Daddy's dick boy? I'm going to fuck you're tight little virgin ass."

"Please daddy. I need your cock. Please take my virgin hole."

He moves behind me. I feel my heart pounding from excitement, anticipation, and pleasure. He takes his cock and rubs the head against my hole. I reach back with both hands, forcing my face into the bed, and spread my ass giving him full access. Slowly, I feel pressure on my hole. Then, the pop. He enters my ass, and it hurts so bad! I scream into my bed and try to rise up. But then I feel a hand on my back, forcing me back down.

"Shh.. boy.. wait. You'll learn to love it"

I don't believe him, but I cant move. Daddy has me pinned down. He keeps s the head of his cock in my hole for a few seconds without moving it to get me accustomed to it. Slowly he starts to move back and forth. I feel my ass stretching more and more. But then the pain begins to get replaced. Replaced by this, full feeling. As he rocks back and forth, putting more of his cock into my tight ass, I begin to need it. When he pulls back I push back, moaning each time more is pushed inside me, until finally I feel his balls up against my ass.

"You like that boy? All of Daddy's 8 inch cock is in your ass. And my what a tight ass you have boy."

"Ohh.. Daddy.. It's so good" is all I can muster out.

He then begins to pump back and forth, pulling out to the point to where the tip of the head is all that is left in my ass then pushing all the way back in. My body tingles each time.

"tell me you like it boy. Tell daddy you want me to fuck you . Tell me boy!"

"Daddy yes!.. You're cock feels so good. Please don't stop daddy. FUCK ME DADDY"

He picks up the pace, and is now pounding my ass. My body gives into him and I am in full ecstasy as his continues to penetrate my ass over and over again. He stops and lays on the bed, motioning to me that he wants me to get on top of him. I mount him in what I called a reverse cowgirl position when I have sex with women. I grab his cock and put it up to the entrance of my hole and slowly lower myself onto him.

The filling sensation is back, causing me to roll my eyes back into my head as I go all the way down. He tells me to lean back, placing my hands on the bed. Instantly a new feeling takes over. "You feel that boy? That's my hard cock massaging your prostate"

"Oh my god Daddy.. That feels so good. Please don't stop"

He beings to thrust into my ass, slowly at first then picking up the pace. My cock is whipping back and forth as he fucks me. I grab my cock and start jerking off. As he continues to fuck me my cock comes alive. It feels so good. I can feel my cum building up.


Then the best orgasm I have ever had burst out of my cock. Streams of cum land on my chest. My ass clinches around Daddy's cock as he keeps pumping my ass, enhancing the feeling. I am in complete bliss.

He slows down, then pulls out and tells me to get Daddy a washcloth. Without question, I run to the bathroom then back to my bedroom.

"Clean off daddy's cock"

"Yes sir Daddy" I gently take his dick in the wet cloth and wash him clean.

"get between my legs boy. And put my cock in your mouth. I'm going to give you a treat" He tells me next.

"Yes Daddy"

I lie between his legs and take his cock in my hands then slowly lower my mouth over the head of his dick. I suck slowly, judging how I'm doing by the moans Daddy lets out. I work on deepthroating his cock. Going deeper and deeper each time down until I have all but half an inch in my mouth.

"Yes boy, take all of Daddy's cock in your mouth!" he says as he grabs the back of my head and forces the last half an inch into my throat. I'm gagging and he lets me up just enough to catch my breath. But that's it. He begins to fuck my face again, forcing my mouth up and down, up and down, on his cock.


Then he shoves my head all the way down on his cock. I feel a shot shoot into the back of my throat. Then another. It taste warm and salty, but so good. Another shot. I hold his cock in my mouth as I swallow all of his cum. It's so much, requiring two swallows, but I take it all down my throat while keeping Daddy's cock in my mouth. He moans, and I start sucking his cock again, making sure not to miss a drop. He stays hard for a few minutes, but then begins to soften.

"You're a good boy. Doing what Daddy says. Did you like Daddy's cum?"

As I remove his cock from between my lips, I say "yes. Yes I do. I love your cum Daddy. It taste so good."

"Good boy." He says as he smiles at me, standing now.

I'm still lying on my bed as he walks into the other room to get his shorts. As he grabs them, he turns back to see me looking at him.

"Better clean up boy. You're parents will be back soon. I'll be in touch."

And just like that, the best summer of my life began.

Suhaib Mirza

The halls of the high school were buzzing with excitement as students rushed to their next class. Among them was a young, attractive white blonde boy named Alex. He had piercing blue eyes and a clean-shaven body that made him stand out among the other students. But his mind was focused on one thing - the hot, tall black boy he had seen in the hallways.

As soon as he laid eyes on him, Alex knew he was his catch. The other boy's attractive, tall, and hot body had his mind in a whirl. He couldn't stop thinking about him and the long cock that he had seen hanging down. Their eyes had caught each other's a few times, but they both quickly looked away, too shy to make a move.

Alex could see how the other boy would touch his cock, and it only made him want him more. But he was too scared to make the first move, and it seemed like the other boy was as well. They would often bump into each other in the hallways, both staring at each other, but neither of them had the strength or courage to confront the other.

One day, as Alex was heading back to his dorm room, he noticed that the other boy was following him. His heart raced with excitement as he turned around to face him. 'Hay boy, you're coming to me?' Alex asked, trying to hide his excitement.

The other boy seemed taken aback, afraid that he might be coming on too strong. 'Uh, no no,' he stammered. But Alex could see the desire in his eyes, and he couldn't help but smile. 'I know,' he replied confidently.

The other boy's face broke into a smile, and he looked at Alex with admiration. 'Your voice is so sweet,' he said.

Alex couldn't resist teasing him a little. 'Is my body sweet too?' he asked with a smirk.

The other boy's face flushed, and he replied, 'Oh yes, very sweet.' He couldn't believe this gorgeous boy was interested in him.

As they walked towards Alex's room, the tension between them was palpable. Finally, the other boy spoke up. 'I would love to meet you privately in your room,' he said.

Alex's heart skipped a beat, and he replied, 'Only if you will share your hot, hard, black cock with me.'

The other boy laughed, and the sound of his laughter sent shivers down Alex's spine. 'My cock can't wait to be treated by you,' he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

From that day on, Alex and the other boy, whose name was Marcus, became inseparable. They would spend hours talking, laughing, and exploring each other's bodies. And as they lay in each other's arms, they knew that they had found something special in each other. Their love story had just begun, and they couldn't wait to see where it would take them.

Nick Click

In high school, I was in the same class with sexy Chris (19), the tallest, most popular boy in the school, and I was 18 years old.

I have never felt anything for a man in my life, but every time I see Chris… I am impressed by his tall height and size. I wanted to lie under him. At first, this seemed very strange to me, but then I got used to it, after all, with his charisma as well as his height, he was the alpha male that everyone wanted to have.

After each gym class, I was watching Chris in the locker room while he was undressing... As far as I could see, it wasn't just his height that was tall. This was driving me even crazier. But I couldn't do anything because I thought, "What can Chris do with me? The kid already has a beautiful girlfriend." But the truth of the matter is not like that. Chris' behavior towards me changed after he realized I cut him in the locker room. He understood that I would be passive towards him and he took the first step that drove me crazy. Chris and I were deskmates. One day, he threw his pen on the ground and asked me to pick it up. When I bent down to pick up his pen, he took my hand and put it on his dick, his dick was hard as a rock. I couldn't take my hand off for a while. If he is brazen, does it look good at all? You take your friend's dick in your hand. He was joking, but I didn't take my hand, he took it himself. One day he fingers my ass, the other day he deliberately comes and slaps my face and starts a fight. He was holding her in his arms while fighting. Since he was taller and stronger than me, there was no way I could resist. Chris was now putting his dick in my hand or fingering my ass whenever he wanted. However, since he did all of this jokingly, our high school life was going by as if we were both constantly checking each other out...

Close to Graduation; Last year, when we were getting dressed in class after gym class, there were only two of us left in the classroom. Chris obviously picked up the tool again and started teasing me. Even though I don't remember the subject, he made a sentence like "I'll fuck you now", so I involuntarily used a sentence like "Son, where are you fucking, come and let me see...". However, when I said this sentence, I would never have thought that he would actually try to fuck her. As soon as he heard Chris, he stopped wearing his trousers and came towards me in his boxers, my back was facing him... He lifted one of my legs and put it on the bench, the guy was literally making me position himself to fuck me, one foot was on the desk and one foot was on the ground, after he got me to the perfect fit, he got behind me and put his dick on me. Of course, it was erect and it was coming and going exactly in line with my asshole, but we were both wearing boxers and we were just rubbing. Meanwhile, Chris started to go hardcore, first he pulled my hair, then he started squeezing my throat while he was pressing his dick from behind, when he squeezed my throat very hard, I started to moan involuntarily, my moans started. Chrisi accelerated even more, he was literally fucking me in his boxers. He let go of my throat and grabbed my hips and started to come and go. Meanwhile, he squeezed my throat and slapped me in the face. With the last slap, I ejaculated while standing, my knees buckled and I collapsed on the bench, Chris collapsed on top of me, we both ejaculated. Thank God, no one entered the classroom at that time. If he had, the sight he would have seen would have been two men, tops and bottoms, piled up on a desk. While Chris was on top of me, he lifted my head and kissed my forehead… and said, “You said fuck, so I fucked.” said. I couldn't say anything, I was already out of breath. We immediately took off our boxers, cleaned ourselves and got dressed. Interestingly, after the incident, we both stopped talking to each other. The end of high school was approaching anyway. We were probably both ashamed of this situation, but when I thought about it myself, I wasn't ashamed at all. I was even proud of it, but we couldn't be in the same environment. While I was thinking to myself, I was proud that, wow, all the girls in school wanted this boy throughout his high school life, and he fucked me before all of them. He did things to me that he wouldn't even do to his girlfriend.

Mark Carl

“Oscar’s Big Win”

8 pm. Right on time. Just like he promised.

After getting catfished so many times over the years, I seriously questioned whether all those pics on Grindr belonged to THE actual Oscar Long, elite college runner and world-class twink. But as I waited for him to hop on the train, I double and triple-checked online: All signs indicated his school, Staxus University, did in fact have a big, important track meet just a few stops away today.

And yet I’m still completely shocked when I open the door at 8 sharp to discover it’s truly him.

“Wow, you’re ... you!,” I say, almost choking on my own excitement.

Oscar is blushing awkwardly on the front deck and fiddling with the silver ring on his thumb.

“Thanks. Um does that mean I can come in?”

He giggles gently as I grab him by the hand and lead him directly to the couch.

“How did the race go?” I say, even though I’d already been monitoring his profile all day on social media.

“Amazing! You’re looking at the first-ever Staxus U record-holder in the 1500 meter.”

“Damn, boy. Congrats! All those straight boys on your team must be so jealous, getting their butt kicked by an up-and-coming twink like you. Did you tell any of them where you were going after the meet?”

“I actually did! They think it’s funny. Like we’re all in some sort of competition, on or off the track.” “What do you mean?”

“Well, my buddy Owen especially is so horny all the time. He’s constantly jerking off. He even does it in front of me in the showers. But he says girls never swipe right on him on the apps! He hasn’t had a date in months.”

“Really?” Thinking about the other star runner’s perfect physique, it’s hard to picture anybody rejecting such a slim, long-legged stud — assuming girls are what truly interests him.

“Women are weird,” continues Oscar. “They like big muscles and ... I dunno, expensive cars, I guess? But meanwhile all I gotta do is open Grindr and I get all this attention from guys that I don’t even know what to do with. Owen can’t believe it.”

“Sounds like maybe he’s a little jealous of you?”

“Yeah maybe,” he says quietly, betraying a long and complicated history between the two. “So but yeah, I don’t wanna sound like I’m bragging, but honestly every time I travel to a meet, my Grindr lights up even ten times more than usual.”

He blushes again. “But I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. This is the first time I’ve actually gone through with a...hookup, like this. In person. I mean, this IS a hookup, right?”

He’s sitting on the couch and looking up at me with big hopeful brown eyes.

“OH, YES. Definitely.” I stroke his fluffy brown hair. It smells of lavender and other expensive shampoo ingredients. “So first time going through with it, huh? Something tells me you’re gonna achieve a LOT of firsts tonight. Maybe a new Personal Record or two...”

“Oh wow, finally!” he says with a grin, as he adjusts his swelling cock through his red half-tights. “Um do you want me to take a shower first? I can change out of this stuff.”

“No. Lycra tights, singlet top, white Adidas crew socks? That’s the perfect uniform for a good, athletic workout.”

I notice the tights can barely contain his throbbing cock now as the tip of the head protrudes from the waistband, a trail of precum leaking through the Adidas moisture-wicking performance wear. Mesmerized, I point my index finger in the air and make a blowing noise.

“What’s that?”

“The starting gun.”;

He groans at the bad joke so I get back to business. “Have you ever tasted your own cum before?” He bites his lip sheepishly and slowly shakes his head. As my hand clutches at the silhouette of his cock through the fabric, he gasps. I rub my thumb against the exposed head to steal a precious pearl of white fluid.

“Look me in the eyes. By the time you leave this house, you’re going to be a gaping-holed cumslut.” He only giggles at first.

“You do want that though, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.” But his rapidly swelling cock already revealed how badly he wants to experience these things.

“Say it.”

“By the time I leave this house,” he whispers, “I’ll be your gaping-holed cumslut.”

I place my glistening thumb to his big, Internet-famous grin and rub the precum around his lips like Chapstick. He licks his lips tentatively, then something seems to spark inside him.

“Mmm. More please.”


“Coach Vaughn says I’m supposed to drink a whole gallon of fluids per day.”

I laugh. “Oh I could help with that.”

“Hey, this might sound weird. But uh can I ask you a question?”

“Absolutely. What is it?”

“Do you mind if I call you ‘Coach’? It’s just kind of something that I’m into.”

“Of course, Oscar. You’re my number one player on this team. Whatever you need.”

“Thanks, Coach.”

I begin to wonder if Coach Vaughn is more than just a friend and confidante to him, but ultimately decide to trust that Oscar’s new to the pleasures of gay sex, like he claimed on Grindr. It’s impossible to picture this sweet, gentle boy ever telling a lie to anybody, except maybe the unlucky straight girl he took to prom.

By now my thumb is all the way inside his mouth as I clutch his smooth face with the palm of my hand. He sucks it clean. My cock throbs to attention.

“Give it to me, Coach. I’m ready for my workout now. Please?”

I step up on the couch, my feet on either side of him, my crotch now pressed against his face. He closes his eyes and nuzzles against the bulge. I push his head back against the couch and release my 8-inch dick from my sweatpants.

Oscar’s eyes widen. “Goddamn! That’s more than I was expect—“

Before he can finish, I stuff his mouth full of cock. He can open it remarkably wide, and I realize just how big and accommodating his mouth is, just like in all those triumphant smiling Instagram pics, as though his entire twink body were precision-engineered to perform two tasks: run really fast and receive enormous cocks to the hilt. He’s a natural at this.

As I slowly fuck his mouth, he instinctively lifts both legs in the air, like he can’t help but present hole at the mere taste of another man. I grab his ankles from behind me like I’m manning a plow. I pull out. He licks obediently at the tip of my cock, then I shove it back so deep I feel his tonsils vibrating against the head amidst a frenzy of saliva and precum and frantic gasps for air.

I marvel at how long this superfit athlete can remain folded into a position like this, his face cherry red with oxygen deprivation, his eyes moistening with tears.

All the while, my hands caress Oscar’s sinewy legs. His thighs and shins feel as soft to my greedy touch as his crisp white crew socks.

“You shave your legs?” I ask, breaking the silence.

“Yeah, Owen swears it makes people faster,” he says with my thick cock in his fist, his face now a frothy mess.

I pull down the waistband on his tights. “Good thing you don’t shave your pubes then.”


“Yeah, I don’t want you to be TOO fast,” I say, grabbing his leaking cock. “You think you can last much longer?”

“Long enough for you to open up my tight hole, Coach.”

Breathless with lust, I leap down off the couch, tear the sweaty half-tights from his body, and stuff them in his mouth. Dripping wet with Oscar’s saliva, my right thumb presses against his hole, sealed tight and adorned with a soft patch of wispy fur.

He recoils slightly at my touch.

“I sense maybe you’ve never put anything in your butt before.”

Oscar shakes his head.

“Not even a finger?”

He shrugs his shoulders and smirks mischievously like he wants to keep a secret or two to himself. I stuff more of the used athletic wear in his mouth.

His jaw clenches down hard as I insert my middle and index fingers into his virgin hole.

“Good boy.”

I can’t believe the sight before me. He’s still wearing his Staxus singlet, his socks and running shoes. Just like in all those pictures online. Only now he’s surrendering his naked cock and hole to fate.

He grips his cheeks with both hands and spreads himself open.

I spit on my cock, jerking it slowly to the most magnificent sight of my life. The head seems to fit perfectly against Oscar’s loosening anus. Clutching his ankles with all my strength, I surprise him with a sudden thrust. The tights fall from his mouth as he grunts in agony and delight and more agony.

“How deep is that?” he squeals in a loud panic.

“About half way. You can take it. You’re the champ.” I pull out slightly. “Now squeeze the sphincter.” He does as he’s told, and I push even deeper. He swats at my hips and chest to no avail. My cock is inside him, and it’s not going anywhere else until I say so.

“I’m not sure if I can do this,” he says, pushing his hands against my thighs.

“Not with that attitude.”

I tug the singlet up and off his body, then twist it rigorously around his wrists to bind them together. For a moment, I question if I’m taking things too far until I notice his cock swell by a whole other inch as I tighten the knot.

“Breathe in. Breathe out. What does Coach Vaughn always tell you?”

He finally smiles again, catching my gist. “He says relax.”

“Mmhmm. Easy does it.”

He inhales deeply. The tense look on his face subsides. I gently push in and out as his cock trembles with excitement. Like the rest of his physique, it’s long, very long, but not thick.

“C’mon. This is just like one of your races, Oscar. Dig deep. You can take it. Let me see that stamina.”

“Nhuuh. Uh. Yeah. Unhh. Give it to me, Coach.”

We fuck in perfect rhythm until...

“Guess what.”

“What?” he asks, his eyes half-closed in ecstasy.

“I’m balls deep in you now, champ. You’re a star.”

He smiles with pride at the prospect of becoming a true power-bottom like he always dreamed. I can tell it means more than all the medals in the world to him.

Looking at his rock-hard dick — all seven plus inches of it — I say, “Ok, you can cross the finish line now, if you’re ready.”

He rubs the knotted singlet against his cock for but a few seconds before a torrent of sperm washes over his lean hairless torso, his long neck, and even those perfect gasping lips of his. My cock can feel the convulsion from deep inside his guts. I can’t hold it in anymore either.

“Oh yeah!” he orders. “Give it to me deep! All of it!”

“Hey, I give the orders here, remember?”

We both smile as I untie his hands and use the singlet to wipe the mess from his impossibly firm abs.

He darts his head up to kiss me for the first time. All I can taste is Oscar’s semen as he devours my face, and it tastes like sweet frosting on a birthday cake to me.

He finally uncurls his body and places his feet back down on the floor. He’s probably not the least bit tight or sore after this rigorous fuck session. The upside of being an elite athlete!

“Ok, you better get back before they start to worry,” I say, dressing him back up in his racing kit, ripe with sweat and other stains.

“You don’t have an outfit I can borrow?”

“Nope. Time for the world to see what a slut you are. And do me a favor?”

“What?” he asks, looking a little worried now.

“Keep holding that load deep inside you till you get back to the hotel room. I like the thought of you washing the cum out of your hole with your dick hard, while those hot fuckin’ teammates of yours are watching ESPN in the other room, none the wiser.”

He lightens up. “Ok, Coach. They do seem pretty clueless. But maybe if I leave this lying on the floor they’ll take the hint and finally think about what they’re missing,” he says, rubbing his cum-stained Staxus singlet between his fingers.

I give him a hug, but not without sliding three fingers deep inside his half-tights and up his butt one final time, his hole so loose now that he doesn’t even seem to feel it.

After slapping him on the cheeks to send him on his way, I see a message on my phone. It’s Grindr. Somebody on the downlow?

My heart races at a photo of a headless torso in an Staxus singlet with two long, furry legs that I know I’ve admired somewhere before.

“Sup?” the message reads. “I’m Owen. Pics???”



Mike and Booker were both high school seniors, but they came from completely different backgrounds. Mike was the popular white jock, who was known for his good looks and athletic abilities. Booker, on the other hand, was the quiet and reserved tall black teen, who kept to himself.

Despite their differences, Mike couldn't help but notice Booker in their English class. He was always intrigued by his tall frame and the way he carried himself. One day, Mike gathered the courage to talk to Booker after class.

To his surprise, Booker was friendly and they quickly hit it off. They started hanging out more and more, and eventually, Mike confessed his true feelings for Booker. To his delight, Booker felt the same way.

They started going out on secret dates, afraid of how their peers and families would react to their interracial relationship. But their love for each other was too strong to hide.

One day, while hanging out in Mike's bedroom, things started to get hot and heavy. They both knew they wanted each other, but were hesitant to take things to the next level. Mike broke the tension by kissing Booker gently on the lips.

Their lips locked, and it was as if they were the only two people in the world. The teenage hot romance was palpable, as their hearts beat faster and their bodies pressed against each other.

Mike's hands explored Booker's body, and before he knew it, he was touching Booker's long, black cock. Booker was hesitant at first, but as Mike stroked him, he couldn't resist the pleasure he was feeling.

They continued to kiss and explore each other's bodies. Mike took off Booker's shirt and vest, revealing his toned chest and six-pack abs. He couldn't resist but to lean down and lick his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin against his tongue.

Booker moaned in pleasure, encouraging Mike to continue. Mike then took things further and got on his knees, bringing Booker's erect cock to his mouth. He licked and sucked on it, enjoying every moment of it.

Booker couldn't resist either and started to pleasure Mike as well. They both lost themselves in the moment, only focused on each other's pleasure. They had never felt this way before, and it was unlike anything they had experienced.

Mike then decided to be the bottom, as he wanted to feel Booker inside him. He directed Booker to take him from behind, and as Booker entered him, they both moaned in ecstasy.

The sensation was indescribable, and they moved together in perfect rhythm. It was a completely new experience for both of them, and they couldn't get enough.

In an intense moment of passion, Mike and Booker both reached their climax, bringing them to a whole new level of intimacy. They collapsed onto the bed, breathing heavily and smiling at each other, their love growing stronger with every passing moment.

From that day on, Mike and Booker were inseparable. They no longer cared about what others thought, as they knew their love was real and pure. They had found each other against all odds, and that was all that mattered.

Their teenage hot romance had brought them together, and it was a love that would last a lifetime. They embraced each other in their arms, grateful for the love they had found in each other.

Nick Click

Unveiling Desires

I had always harbored a clandestine crush on my close friend, Alex. Despite his committed relationship with Mark, rumors swirled about Mark's infidelity, and I burned with the desire to comfort Alex in more ways than one.

One sultry evening, Alex invited me over, the air thick with anticipation. Mark was away on business, leaving us alone in the coiled tension of the night. As we settled on the couch, our bodies gravitated closer, an unspoken yearning crackling between us.

"Thank you for being here, Jason," Alex murmured, his eyes glinting with need.

"I'm here for you, Alex," I replied, my voice husky with longing.

Our conversation soon dipped into deeper waters, our vulnerability stripping away the façade of friendship. Alex confessed his doubts about Mark's loyalty, and I seized the opportunity to offer solace in a way that words couldn't convey.

In an impulsive moment, Alex's lips brushed mine, setting off an inferno inside me. The kiss ignited a hunger we could no longer suppress. Without restraint, we shed our clothes, revealing bodies throbbing with desire.

I tasted Alex, savoring the sweetness of his skin, the salt of anticipation. Our hands explored greedily, mapping the terrain of each other's arousal. His moans filled the air like a siren's call, urging me deeper into the abyss of pleasure.

I sank to my knees, unable to resist the temptation. Alex's eyes widened as I took him into my mouth, my tongue tracing every inch of him. The thrill of submission painted his face, driving me to push boundaries.

In the heat of passion, we moved to the bedroom, shadows dancing across the walls like silent witnesses. Alex surrendered to my touch, inviting exploration in the most intimate of ways. Positions shifted fluidly as we devoured each other, hungry for fulfillment.

I positioned Alex, his body arching with anticipation. With a slow, deliberate thrust, I entered him, our connection electrifying the room. Moans mingled with whispered confessions, desire cresting with each motion.

Time lost its meaning as we traversed the landscape of ecstasy. I marveled at Alex's responsiveness, every touch amplifying our shared hunger. Our bodies danced in synchrony, exploring carnal depths previously untouched.

I took Alex in ways that transcended mere physicality—each climax a testament to our unspoken bond. We surrendered to the symphony of our desires, a crescendo of pleasure echoing through the night.

In the afterglow, I held Alex close, our hearts pounding in unison. Our one-night stand marked the dawn of something profound—a love unfettered by convention, ignited by the forbidden flames we dared to embrace.

As dawn broke, I knew our journey had just begun—an odyssey of passion, discovery, and unapologetic desire. Together, we embarked on a path strewn with temptation, unearthing the depths of our longing with every shared breath.

Amer Qushairy


I was 18 Caucasian athletic guy at university. Over several weeks my roomie got increasingly tactile putting his arms around my shoulder and stroking my back and ass. My roomie Kal was a Caucasian, six’4” tall, built powerfully, with lean muscles, a small waist and wide shoulders, muscled arms, beefy chest, brown hair, and green eyes. Then one day he ran his hand right up the inside of my leg, I shuddered and inhaled deeply. With his other hand, he stroked my ass. I did not make any attempt to stop him, I liked that he touched me. He was staring into my eyes. I could feel his hot breath on my face. He sniggered then licked my face then kissed me. “That excites you, are you gay”? He asked. I did not see any reason to tell a lie, I felt sexually attracted to him. “Yeah,” I said. Not knowing how he would respond, hoping it would be in a positive way, and not verbal abuse, or a beating. “Good, get ya shit off I want you naked,” he said with a grin on his face.

“Eh!!! you want me naked”? Had I heard right, what he was saying had taken me by surprise. I stood there looking at him in amazement. “Yeah, I want you naked, that excites you, eh?” My whole body was trembling, and my heart was racing with excitement as he stood there with a grin on his face, watching me strip. I quickly stripped.

When I was naked, he told me to raise my hands in the air. He moved closer and started to stroke my naked body. My rock-hard cock told him that I was excited. My body continued to tremble as a feeling of complete pleasure passed through my body. He gazed into my eyes as he moved forward and fisted my hard cock. Feeling his hand on my cock, sent adrenaline raising through my veins. He kissed me again as he vigorously started to stroke my hard cock. Each stroke smashed into my balls and pubic hairs. A mixture of agonised wailing and pains of pleasure came from my throat as each stroke brought me closer to climaxing. I could see by the expression on his face that he enjoyed having control over me. He sensed that I was about to climax and cupped his other hand ready to catch my cum juices in his hand. “You ready to cum bitch?” Finally, he clenched my hard cock tighter with his hand and hammered my balls one more time. “Ye-Yeehh-Arhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I yelled as I began to cum.

My whole body went into uncontrollable spasms as I squirted copious amounts of cum into his hand. Cum was spilling out of his hand onto the floor, forming pools on the floor. That wonderful sexy smell of fresh cum filled the air. He was grinning as he squeezed every drop of cum out of my hard cock, into the palm of his hand. “Eat it,” he said, as he held his hand full of cum to my face. I sucked and licked my cum from the palm of his hand, then he made me suck his fingers. “Get down on ya knees.” I got down on my knees, and as I did, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his seven” hard cock. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head sideways, so my mouth was just inches from his cock head.” Lick it.” Pre-cum was dripping out of the slit. I licked the head and eagerly slurped up the pre-cum, it left a salty delicious taste in my mouth. He shuddered and moaned. I felt his hand on the back of my head as he rocked my head up and down onto his cock. Then he held my head quite still, the tip of his cock just inside my mouth. I sucked and licked the head of his cock, tasting more of his pre-cum.

I squeezed his balls gently at the same time. I was in control now. His legs trembled and he inhaled deeply. Then in a single movement, I buried his cock deep down my throat. I then moved my lips up and down the hard shaft of his cock vigorously. After only a couple of minutes of this, he gave out a loud vocal cry of delight and ecstasy. Powerful jets of sperm hit the back of my throat, filling my mouth, and making me gag. I gulped as much as I could trying not to spill any. Some still spilled onto the ground. His hands held my head firmly, his body was jolting as he kept throwing his head back and thrusting his cock deep into my throat. Then he rested. Eventually, I looked up, he was looking down at me wide- eyed. “Fuck, you done this before eh, slut.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his mobile and started to video me. He was talking on the phone at the same time. “I’m going to fuck this, you want to join me. Ya do, good, show it to some other boys maybe they’ll want to fuck it too.” Fuck he was arranging for me to be gang-banged and not asking me. “I'm gonna video me fucking you, to excite the guys then we’ll meet up and fuck you later”.

At that moment I felt like I was the protagonist of one of the many porn films, Staxus production, my favourites, where a boy was subjugated and used at will by a gang of boys, was it my dream, which maybe would come true? Oh... My God.....I couldn't believe it.

It was going to be a live show. “Get down and make like a dog, I gonna fuck you doggie.” I got down on my hands and knees, imagining myself to be in one of the beautiful stories told with magnificent and intriguing images, by Staxus, and from which I could, now, copy the sexiest positions, as he stripped. It was weird, just me and him, yet I knew other guys were watching. He was kneeling alongside me. “Look at my phone boy, let them have a good look at you.” He stroked his hand over my hair, back and ass. Making me tremble and my cock rock hard. “He’s excited guy’s look at his boner.” He positioned me so my ass was facing his mobile, then he sat on my back. He spread my ass cheeks. “See that tight ass hole guys? All mine to fuck, yours to fuck later.”

He had his hand on my ass cheek and slipped one thumb deep into my ass hole. The thumb of the other hand which was on the other cheek slipped in. Stretching my hole open to the air he spat copious amounts of saliva into my hole. Then he started to finger fuck me, lubricating me so I was ready to be fucked. Now and then he would look towards his phone with a smile of delight on his face. Hell!!! Adrenaline was flowing through my veins making my heartbeat faster, as his fingers penetrated me deeper and more vigorously. He stood up, “You’re ready to take my hard cock now faggot.” He stood there, his cock hard and erect. I was not the only one excited. He knelt behind me and slapped my ass hard several times, making me loudly squeal many times, much to his, and the viewers' amusement.

I felt the head of his hard cock pressing on my anus. Several strong stabs at my anus, and the head slipped in. He straddled my body, resting his chest on my back. He brought his arms under and over my shoulders, hands behind my head, then interlocked his fingers behind my neck. He now had a firm hold of me; I could feel his heart beating in his chest on my back. Then with a single strong thrust using all the strength of his hips buried the whole of his hard cock deep in me. The pain was so excruciating that it made me scream aloud. He held me more tightly as I tried to pull away. He thrust hard and held “You’re not going anywhere faggot stop struggling, screaming will sure make those guys excited and horny.” He continued to drive his hard cock right in and right out of my tight throbbing hole.

He was sweating and breathing heavily, his rhythm got more vigorous. My ass was taking a beating, the head of his hard cock was punching my inside. I was writhing and throwing my head back and moaning. The pain had given way to a tremendous feeling of pleasure. It was a satisfactory performance. The contraction of my ass muscles squeezing his cock was too much for him to hold back anymore. With a muffled groan, throwing his head back and sharp jolts of his body, he squirted rich live sperm deep in me. For several minutes I could feel his cock throbbing in my now warm wet ass. He laid heavy on my back as he recovered.

Eventually, he regained his breathing. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back, I could feel his breath on the side of my face as he said, “You ready for more faggot”? “Yeah, fuck me fuck me, fuck my fucking ass.” “Not here I gonna take ya to a place where the guys watching will fuck you some more.”

We got dressed and jumped into his car. It was a warm full moon night; we drove out of town along the highway and then turned down a dirt track. We pulled up at an isolated house deep in the forest. “They want you naked, strip, leave ya clothes in the car.” I was now feeling both scared and excited, my dreaming Staxus movies was coming real....!!!!. The door of the house opened as I stripped. All I could see were the silhouettes of several guys walking towards me. When they got nearer, I could see they were all naked. (Eventually, I got to know there were seven guys, a mixture of Caucasians and Afro-Americans. 6” to nine” hard cocks. One Afro- American had a twelve” thick long black-snake hard cock.)

The fucking started straight away, no time wasters. One of the guys, the alpha male, six’ stocky Black guy grabbed at my throat and flipped me round so I had my back to him. “Bend over ya fucking Faggot,” I felt the head of his cock momentarily, press on my hole, one powerful single thrust and he buried his cock deep into me. one arm round my waist and grabbing a handful of my hair, pulling my head back. He fucked me like a madman. His cock soon squirted copious amounts of sperm into my rectum, he made sure I got every drop of his live sperm in my ass before he pulled out. Another guy jumped on my back, and as he did, I fell to my knees. The black guy that had just fucked me stood in front of me and thrust his semi-hard cock into my mouth. They stood in line waiting to fuck me. Kal fisted my cock and jerked me off while I was being ass and mouth fucked, then wiped his hand over my belly. Now and then I caught a glimpse of a guy that stood back just watching.

Some of them fucked and pissed into my ass and mouth, as others sat around on whatever they could find, smoking and drinking beer watching me get gang banged. I was covered in sperm juices and piss. The ground around me was wet with juices and piss. A superb rich waft of sweaty cum man-smell intoxicated my nostrils. The fucking had slowed, I lay there exhausted after being fucked so many times. I could not see the guy in the distance anymore.

The guys were laughing and talking excitedly as they all looked in the same direction. I looked in the direction they were looking. The guy that I had seen in the distance was walking towards me. Fuck he was a big muscular Testosterone overflowing Black guy. 6’ 8” Tall 266lbs of muscle. The guys had grins on their faces as they first looked at me then the big guy that was making his way towards me. Kal walked over to me, “get ready faggot, we all wanna see ya get fucked by a twelve” massive black snake cock.” “No man I can’t take a 12-inch cock too big”., I pleaded with Kal to not let him fuck me. The guys were standing up and gathering around me. I started to raise myself from the ground, I was going to try and make a run for it, my legs were too weak, and anyway, I kept getting pushed back.

The guy that I took to be the alpha male came up behind me placed an arm around my neck and stroked the hand of his other arm slowly down my naked chest to my hip. He whispered into my ear, “We're going to give you to Ty so he can fuck you with his twelve” cock and play with you, if you’re not nice to him he’ll beat you.” I could not escape they wanted to watch me being penetrated and fucked with a twelve” black cock. I had fantasised lots of times, watching the Staxus porn movies, about being fucked by a big black cock ten,” twelve”, fourteen” Even, now in reality I felt scared.

I was pushed towards him. He grabbed at me, I pulled away, I turned and started to run, only to be pushed back by the guys that were surrounding us. I had my back to him when he swung his arms around me and held me tight. Lifting me off the ground. I desperately tried to pull his arms apart trying to extricate myself from his hold, also at the same time I kicked out with my legs. It was futile, I was too weak to fight him. The guys around us were shouting and encouraging him to get me down and fuck me. He started to slap and punch me; I knew then that it would be better for me to submit to his will. The way he was treating me had excited the guys watching, most of them had hard cocks.

I was down on my hands and knees with my ass sticking up, one of the guys pressed his foot hard down on my back to stop me from getting up, I had stopped resisting. Ty rested his hands on my ass as he knelt behind me. We were both sweating profusely, I could feel his sweat dripping on my lower back and ass. I braced myself for what was to come, I hoped he would not damage me with his big black hard cock. He held me firmly on my hip with one hand the other hand he used to line his cock up with my ole. I could feel him pressing hard on my hole, he pressed harder and harder, and the head of his cock was stretching my anus to its near limits, I had been fucked multiple times, I was well lubricated, and his cock was so fucking fat that my anus just would not let him in. He had both hands on my hips, the guy pressed harder down on my back with his foot. Several determined thrusts at my hole, made me scream out in pain. All of this was making the guys watching get more excited. One ultimate thrust and my hole opened up and stretched beyond any cock that had fucked me before.

With the head of his cock now in me, I stiffened up a bit. One of the guys shouted, “relax and let ya ass swallow it.” For more than a minute all he did was stroke my back and ass cheeks, giving me time to relax and get used to having the fat head of his cock in my ass. I looked around at the guys they were all looking in the direction of my ass and his big black cock was stuck in my ass. With a gentle rhythm, he penetrated me deeper. The guys were hollering and talking excitedly and counting inch by inch as it went deeper into me. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The pain was giving way to feelings of pleasure as it penetrated deeper, I was surprised at how good it felt, I was well-lubricated after the multi fucking. 9” and my sphincter resisted.

Ty became angry and more aggressive, shouting and punching my back. He grabbed my hips strongly and aggressively digging his nails into my skin with one hand, he grabbed a fistful of my hair with the other hand and pulled my head back. The pain returned as he aggressively attacks my sphincter, he was determined to penetrate me with his hard cock. He pulled my hips and head towards him while with a hard thrust, he attacked my resistant sphincter. He thrust more vigorously. I arched my back up quickly and inhaled deeply, and threw my arms back to stop him, the guy that had his foot on my back stamped hard down and shouted, “Stay down ya fucking queer boy.”

My sphincter finally gave way, and his cock sank two” deeper, then finally with a powerful thrust his cock sank into me up to the hilt. I felt his huge heavy balls resting on my ass. The guy lifted his foot off my back. It had been painful and made me scream several times, exciting the guys even more. Fuck it was like having a twelve” metal bar rammed up ya ass. He pushed my shoulders down, so my ass was the highest part. He started to fuck me, short strokes, going in and out four” or five” each time, then he started to rotate his hips a bit, gradually his rhythm got increasingly aggressive. He was going in and out seven” or eight” each time, I could feel my tight anus gripping his cock, I yelled at each thrust.

He started to speed up fucking me deep and harder, slamming his cock with every fourth pump there was no pulling away now. My cock without me touching it squirted cum juice.

He was breathing heavily, and his body went into convulsions, I felt his cock throbbing in my ass, squirt after squirt filled my ass with his life sperm, spilling out and running down the inside of my legs. He laid heavily on me for a few minutes then pulled out of me, as he did the other guys took over and fucked my ass and mouth. Ty just sat resting and watching for a while, after 4 or 5 minutes, Ty got up and walked back to me, and they all moved out of his way. Them that did not get to fuck me will have to wait.

He could see the mix of pain and pleasure on my face as he forced me onto my back, he pressed my legs back, so my knees were on my chest and put his hands on my thighs around the back of my knees. He immediately rammed his cock in in one fast and unexpected move. My eyes and mouth opened wide immediately in surprise. I threw my hands onto his chest instinctively to save my asshole, he swiped my hands away and smacked me hard across the face. This was going to be a more aggressive fuck from the start. He knew I was there for him to use for his enjoyment, I could feel his cock stretching my ass on all sides, slapping my ass, leaving huge handprints on my ass cheeks.

Occasionally he grabbed me tight around my throat, his hand was so large that it nearly encircled the whole of my neck. He slapped me across the face several times, he was getting more aggressive. he pounded my ass for a good 15 minutes, then filled my ass with more of his sperm. As soon as he pulled out of me, I was jumped on by two guys that were determined to fuck me on Ty’s sperm juices before Ty came back to fuck me again. Ty fucked me again pounding my ass for another 20 minutes. When he had finished fucking me it was starting to get light the sun was rising. The guys were too tired to show any more interest in me.

Kal helped me get dressed and drove back to the university, fuck I was feeling shattered it had been a long night and early morning. I slept for 12 hrs. Kal said they want to do it again and they know a guy with a bigger cock than Ty. Are you up for it? "Fuck yeah". Fuck I enjoyed it so much I cannot wait.

Gianfranco Maitilasso

Preferred models - Timmy Cole (Jon), David Hollister (Charlie), Esteban Quebert (Leo)

Jon, Leo, and Charlie were finishing up at their athletics club and getting ready for a sleepover to celebrate Jon's 18th birthday a few days earlier. Jon for the first time in a long time managed to set a new personal best, beating Charlie in the process. On the way out of the athletics club, Leo smacked Jon on the ass as a sign to say well done. Charlie, a little annoyed flicked Jon in the crotch, something the boys did to jest eachother.

On the tube back to Jon's, Leo who was feeling a bit tired lay his head on Jon's shoulder and closed his eyes for a bit. Charlie was joking with Jon about turning 18 and still being a virgin. Jon laughed it off, saying he was seeing a girl and waiting to make his move. Leo grinned hearing this. Jon's parents were away for the weekend, to give the boys the free run of the house. When they got back, Jon told Charlie and Leo to make themselves at home whilst he goes to shower. Whilst Jon was in the shower, Charlie and Leo sat on the sofa in the living room. Leo looked at Charlie and said "Do you think he'll like it?". Charlie kissed Leo and put his hand on this knee, "He's going to love it. We both know he's never been with a girl, I reckon he's interested in guys.". Charlie and Leo kept kissing, and Charlie's hand slid up from Leo's knee and up the sleeve of Leo's shorts. "No boxers?" Charlie asked. "D'you like it? I tried a jockstrap for tonight, thought it'd be fun." replied Leo, starting to work from Charlie's lips down to his collar.

Charlie smiled, his hand feeling Leo's cock getting hard in his grip. "Why don't we surprise him in his bedroom? Wait there, he'll walk straight in from his shower." Leo grinned, "You've got this all planned out haven't you?". Charlie gripped Leo's cock a bit harder and started to lead him upstairs to Jon's bedroom, "It'll be more exciting this way.".

In Jon's bedroom, they continued making out, this time Charlie working his hand up Leo's shirt, feeling his lean body and rubbing his nipples whilst his other hand was cradling Leo's head as they kissed.

As Jon got out of the shower, he gave himself a quite wipe with his towel but thought he'd dry off properly in his bedroom. He called down to Charlie and Leo, "Guys, should we get a pizza?". They didn't reply. He didn't think anything of it, he assumed they were chilling as Charlie seemed tired on the journey back to his house.

He opened the door to his bedroom and saw Leo and Charlie lying on his bed, both looking like they had something to hide. "What are you guys up to?" asked Jon. Leo got up and grinned, walking over before flicking Jon's crotch through his towel.

Charlie moved over on the bed. Before Jon realised what was happening, Leo had opened Jon's towel and used it to pull Jon over to the bed.

"What are you doing?!" Jon asked. Leo kept on grinning, and let go of Jon's towel, watching it fall to the floor. "Happy Birthday mate." said Leo. He then grabbed Jon's cock and planted a kiss on his lips.

Charlie was grinning, got up and pushed Jon onto his bed. One on each side, Leo and Charlie then held Jon's arms behind his head, and began kissing and licking him all over. They started wanking Jon, who got hard almost instantly. Jon felt breathless. "What are you guys doing to me?".

"Mate, we're going to give you the best present for your 18th, but rather than giving you something, we're taking it away." said Charlie. Jon couldn't help but grin. They stopped kissing Jon, and both looked at him. "You can say no now, or do you want this?" asked Leo.

Jon exhaled, and just said "Please.". "Please what?" asked Charlie. "Please don't stop." said Jon. Leo sat up and pushed Jon's leg back, splitting them to expose Jon's ass. Jon started breathing quickly with anticipation. Charlie held Jon's legs open for Leo, who started kissing Jon from his ankles to his thighs and started to lick Jon's cock from his balls to the tip. Jon felt himself tingling all over. Charlie could feel Jon reaching his hands up his thigh towards his cock. "Oi oi, looks like he's in the mood," Charlie joked to Leo. Jon grinned.

Leo started moving his tongue from Jon's back down to his ass, and began poking his hole with the tip of his tongue. As he began rimming him, Jon's anxieties started to leave him and he relaxed into what was happening. Jon started to precum. Charlie let go of Jon's ankles and let his legs slowly drop back to the bed. Jon looked up and grabbed Charlie in a kiss. Charlie held Jon down and started to kiss him slowly, moving to his nipples, his belly button, before licking his precum and wrapping his mouth around Jon's rock hard cock. Jon exploded with cum within ten seconds, filling Charlie's mouth with warm sticky jizz. Charlie looked up, a mouthful of cum and went back to kissing Jon, swapping Jon's cum as they kissed.

Leo stopped rimming and started to lick his way up Jon's body, spending a lot of time on Jon's pits and collar. The three of them kissed, Jon's cum dribbling between their mouths.

Charlie stopped and grabbed Leo's shorts, yanking them down and exposing Leo's jocks. He wrapped his fingers in Leo's jockstrap and pulled them down.

Leo pulled his t-shirt off, and began pulling Charlie's shorts and boxers down. Jon began to lick the tip of Leo's cock; Leo looked down and with a smile pushed his cock further into Jon's mouth till Jon gagged. "Just take it easy Jon, you'll enjoy it." said Leo.

Charlie and Leo began making out again, and Charlie stood on the bed to put his cock in Leo's mouth. Leo held his tongue out, letting Charlie slide it in.

For a minute or so, Charlie stood looking over both Leo and Jon who both looked like they were having a good time. Charlie held Leo's head back and spat into his mouth before planting a big kiss on him and then getting down on his knees.

Charlie grabbed Jon's legs and pulled him to the edge of the bed, whilst Leo sat over Jon's face still getting blown. Leo leant forward and began sucking Jon, 69ing him. Charlie pushed Jon's legs up and began rimming him, he could feel Jon tense a little at first and so he squeezed Jon's thighs and continued to plow him with his tongue. After a minute, Charlie spat at Jon's hole before starting to poke it with his cock. He leant over to his shorts and grabbed a condom, and began to roll it over his rock hard dick. He pushed a finger into Jon's hole at which point Jon gasped with pleasure. He then pushed two fingers and pushed a little deeper till he felt his prostate. He fingers Jon and could see Jon's body quivering in exstacy. He spat in Jon's hole one more time before pushing his cock in. Jon exhaled a deep satisfied sense of pleasure.

Charlie leant into Jon for the first few thrusts, slow and deep. Leo and Jon were still sucking eachother. Charlie grabbed Leo for a kiss as he started to pound Jon, getting quicker and banging his balls against Jon's ass. Leo stopped sucking Jon and pulled his cock out, he lay next to Jon and nuzzled him before kissing him more passionately.

Jon's cock was rock hard and his mind was exploding. He hadn't had pleasure like this before. His cock standing to attention, he began to jerk himself off. Leo slapped Jon's hand and took over. He ran his fingers over the tip of Jon's cock, feeling the sticky cum that was beginning to leak from Jon. Leo wrapped his mouth around Jon's cock and swirled his tongue around the tip. Jon exploded again, this time in Leo's mouth. Leo swallowed.

Leo rolled his tongue back up Jon's body and embraced him in a deep and sexy kiss.

Charlie pulled out of Jon, "Right kid, it's about time you were on top." Jon looked up at Charlie and sat up. Charlie lay on the bed and lifted Jon on top of him. He lowered Jon onto his cock and began thrusting him from below. Jon put his hands on Charlie's chest and took each thrust, before starting to bounce a bit with the rhythm. Jon got Leo to stand up on the bed, before grabbing his cock and blowing him hard. Leo this time thrust his cock to the back of Jon's throat, and facefucked Jon quick and hard. Leo could feel himself ready to burst, and grabbed Jon with both hands as he filled his mouth with hot thick cum.

Jon gagged and spat some of the cum before Leo tilted Jon's head back and said "Don't waste that by spitting it back at me." Jon swallowed the rest.

Charlie slowed down and wanted to change positions. Jon pulled himself off and said, "I can't take anymore, I want a go." Charlie and Leo both grinned. Charlie said "Who do you want?". Jon gestured to Leo, pushing Leo face first into the bed and then pulling his waist up so Leo's ass stuck out. From behind, Charlie unrolled a condom onto Jon, but Leo said, "Wanna go bare?". Jon looked at Charlie and smiled, Charlie took off Jon's condom and spat on his cock before guiding Jon's cock into Leo's hole. Jon then lay under them both, making out with Leo from beneath.

Jon thrust slowly into Leo a few times before Leo said "Go harder.".

Jon smiled and tried to up the tempo. Leo groaned with delight. Charlie slid down and began blowing Leo, enjoyed the rhythm of Jon's cock pushing Leo's in and out of his mouth. Leo was in heaven, he hadn't expected his first threesome to feel this good. Jon began leaning forward and kissing Leo's back and shoulders. Jon upped the tempo and slapped Leo's ass which made Leo whimper with pleasure.

Charlie slid out from underneath and grabbed Jon's head before making out with Jon. He then grabbed Jon from behind and whispered into his ear, "Fancy feeling what it's like raw?". Jon nodded, and Charlie slid off his condom. Charlie slid his cock in Jon's hole and began following Jon's rhythm. Charlie grabbed Leo's cock in his hand and began slowly teasing Leo, whilst Jon was in heaven sandwiched between the two. After a couple of minutes, Jon screamed, "I'm going to cum!". Leo quickly pulled out. Charlie grabbed Jon's cock and kept jerking him, whilst Leo span round and began licking Jon's balls. Jon began to cum over Leo's body and fell forward in exhaustion and orgasm. Charlie stood over them both and keep jerking himself off. Just as he was ready to blow, he grabbed Jon and fed him his cum. Jon swallowed ever drop. The three of them collapsed onto the bed, sticky, sweaty, in exstacy. Jon lay staring at the ceiling. Leo and Charlie began cuddling Jon, kissing him and licking him in sensual and intimate places like his pits, his ears, and neck.

"How did you know?" asked Jon?

"Know what?" said Charlie

"Know that I wanted this" replied Jon

"We guessed when you didn't want to go out for your birthday last week" said Leo, "Charlie and I have been seeing eachother secretly for almost six months, and we guessed that you might be into boys as you didn't seem keen on looking for a shag with a girl in the last year or so."

"And we figured it could be a night of firsts if you were up for it, we haven't had a threesome yet, and you got to lose your v-card." added Charlie.

Jon exhaled, "We've got the house to ourselves this weekend, fancy a different room in the morning?" he asked

Leo grinned, "Charlie and I will have you for breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow, and a grand finale tomorrow night. Oh and by the way Jon, this is only your present from Charlie, I haven't given you mine yet."


Dave is laying with his boyfriend, Brad. He hears a ding. Dave checks his phone.

"LAST CHANCE TO PAY YOUR RENT, OR YOU'RE OUT. YOU HAVE UNTIL FRIDAY" They both look at the text. Brad frowns.

"What do we do?" Says Brad.

"Only fans?"

"Wouldn't cam sites be quicker?"

"Perhaps, but I am DMing with a famous adult star, he could promote us."

Dave frowns.

"Relax, babe. You're still my number one. Me and him are just friends."

"Do you want to do this or not?"

"I guess."

Brad shrugs. The pair go into the bedroom, and move the dressers. They switch their phones to filming, and put their phones on. They go on the bed.

The twinks kneel and make out. They take their shirts off. Brad falls backwards after a while. The making out continues. Three minutes pass. Brad gets up, unzips, and puts his dick in Dave's face. Dave sucks while removing his bottoms. He continues to suck for a minute. Brad pulls back and stands. Dave sucks for two minutes. Dave goes down on all fours. Brad rims For a minute. Dave gives a moan as Brad's dick goes inside of him. Dave takes it for two minutes. Brad pushes Dave's shoulders down and continues for a minute.Dave moves forward, and goes on his back. Brad inserts his dick. They continue fucking for three minutes. Dave takes care of his cock, and explodes on his chest. Brad whips it out. Dave goes near a phone, and opens his mouth. Brad follows and soon cums above Dave's mouth. Dave tastes Brad's cum. They get their phones, and lay on the bed.

They open their account. They pose for pictures holding their IDs.

Dave later DM with Joel.

"I opened a new onlyfans account. I really need rent money. Hoping that you can promote."

Dave watches his boyfriend take selfies shirtless. He hears a sound. He looks at the computer.

"Sure, but let's collab."

Dave and Brad are at Joel's apartment. Marcus, Joel's flatmate, is also there. Joel and Dave hug. Dave looks away. Joel goes to hug Brad. Brad brings it in.

"Are you sure you're okay with me fucking your boyfriend?"

"Um, not really."

"You can fuck me afterwards."

"Um, sure."

Brad and Marcus watch TV while Dave and Joel walk into the bedroom. Dave closes the door, while Joel turns on the cameras. Joel gets on the bed, leaning on his elbows. Dave gets on top of him, and kisses him passionately.

Two minutes pass. Dave goes down on Joel for two minutes. Joel then does the same. Joel turns over, and Dave tastes his ass for a minute. Dave's hand collides with Joel's left ass cheek. With his dick, Dave makes Joel moan.

Two minutes go by. Dave exits, and Joel goes in front of the camera. Dave goes underneath. Joel bounces. After three minutes, Joel lays, and spreads his legs. Dave goes in. Joel pleasures himself, and cums after three minutes. Dave exits, and finishes in three minutes..

Later, Joel and Dave come out.

"...and that's the secret of great filming."

Dave nods. They sit on the couch, and watch TV.

Sometime passes. Joel walks by Brad.

"You're up, sexy."

They hold hands and walk to the bedroom Joel turns on the cameras. Brad walks up to Joel. It doesn't take long for Joel to remove Brad's shirts. He stares at Brad's pecs for a few seconds. They make out. After three minutes they drop and 69. Two minutes goes by. Joel turns over, and feels Brad's tongue in his ass. Two minutes passes. Brad goes up the bed, and gives Joel his dick. Two minutes go by.

"I wanna ride you."

Both spin their legs around. Joel gets up, and rides. Three minutes pass. Joel gets up. Brad goes on the pillow.Joel is eager to cum on Brad's chest. He takes another ride. Two minutes later, he ejaculates on Brad's chest. The twink gets up, and opens his mouth above Brad's dick. He soon gets cum squirted at him. He sucks Brad off, and Brad shivers. After a few seconds, Joel goes up and makes out with Brad.

Outside the bedroom, the twinks are on the couch.

"Your boyfriend is hot. Can I collab with him?"

"Ask him."

The couple come out.

Marcus stands up.

"Can we do a session."

Brad looks at Dave.

"Go for it."

After 30 minutes, Marcus and Brad go in Brad turns on the cameras. Marcus goes on the bed, and his shirt is thrown on the floor. Brad goes on, and takes his shirt off. They make out. Marcus pulls Brad backward and rolls on top of him. Four minutes goes by. Marcus rolls off and sits. Brad tastes what Marcus is offering. Two minutes pass. Brad stands, and Marcus returns the favor. After two minutes, Marcus turns around. Brad goes down, and licks Marcus' hole. Two minutes pass. Brad goes in with his dick. After two minutes, he exits. Marcus turns around and kisses Brad. Marcus goes on top of Brad, and rides his dick. Three minutes go by. Marcus goes and lays on his side. Brad inserts his dick. Marcus gives himself pleasure, and cums after two minutes. Brad exits, and cums on a top of Marcus. The pair kiss a bit.

Days later, they see posts from Joel and Marcus promoting the new onlyfans account. They check their account balance, and they have enough for rent.

Thane Pullan

Martin and Jack are strangers. They are outside a house. Two guys in black coats open the door.

"Hi, I'm Bill, and this is my 2IC George. You two want to be accepted into the Bondage Frat?"

They both nod.

"Come in."

The new recruits sit on the couch.

"This frat comes with perks, but also a particular initiation."

"I know." Martin says.

"So do I."

"And this is a frat for the hottest, big dicked twinks only. Stand up and

take your tops off."

The twinks obey.

"George, feel the bulges. Speak now if you want to leave."

George pauses, and goes over. The twinks get groped.

"Which one is bigger?"

"I don't know, it requires further inspection."

George walks back.

"OK, drop em." Bill says.

The pants hit the floor. George goes up, and has another feel.

"Um I don't know."

"Well, why don't you do a taste test?"

The twinks smile at each other and shrug. George kneels and samples Martin's goods. He does the same for Jack. George then stands. He shrugs at Bill.

"For fuck sakes. Turn around, so he can spank you."

The twinks do this. Martin gets spanked.


George does the same to Jack.


"Well I like Jack's sound better. But, Do the same, but harder."

Martin gets spanked.


Jack gets a spank.


"Right, Jack come for the final stage. Leave your pants."

Bill and Jack head to the bedroom.

"Hands out."

Jack is handcuffed. Bill takes off his robe, and they kiss passionately for two minutes. Jack is guided down, he sucks cock. Two minutes pass. Jack is pulled up. Martin goes down and sucks. Two minutes goes by. Bill moves Jack to the bed, and eats his ass for a minute. He spanks the twink and goes up. Jack gets pounded for three minutes.

"Lay bitch."

"Stand up, and turn around."

Jack is pushed on the bed.

"Ride me."

Bill goes and lies. Jack goes on Bill's cock, and rides it. Three minutes pass.

"Lay bitch."

Jack goes and lies beside Bill. Jack is uncuffed, but is immediately cuffed to the bed. Bill fucks and masturbates Jack. Jack cums in three minutes.

Bill exits and gets more cum on Jack's chest.

"While they're fucking, maybe we should."

"Is this part of my initiation?"


George gets rope, and ties Martin's hands together. They make out for three minutes. George stands at the end of the couch. Martin sucks cock. Two minutes pass. George goes to the front, and lays Martin on his back. He sucks the tied up twink's cock for two minutes. Two minutes go by. He turns Martin over, and eats his ass for a minute. Martin is spanked.


He is spanked again.


He is spanked ten times quickly. He screams. George inserts his cock, and fucks Martin for two minutes. He goes off the couch, and pulls down Martin's legs. He continues the fucking session. Two minutes goes by. George puts Martin's legs back up, and rolls him over. Martinis fucked again. George masturbates Martin for two minutes. Martin cums. Georg's dick leaves Martin's ass. George sprays the tied up twink with cum. They sit on the couch.

Bill and Martin enter the lounge.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I get first fuck with the twinks."

"Maybe you should spank me."

"I'll deal with you later. As your punishment, No fucking Jack for six months, or else I'll get a new 2IC."

George crosses his arms and pouts.

"No fucking Jack either, for today anyway."

Bill grabs Martin.

"Let's go." Martin is pulled to the bedroom. His hands are still tied up. Bill and Martin make out for two minutes. Martin is pushed beside the bed.

"You're not gonna untie me?"

"Fuck no."

Bill pushes Martin on the bed. Bill grabs Martin, and pulls the twink towards him.

"Suck this slut."

Martin's head is guided towards Bill's member. Two minutes go by. Martin is shoved, and he lies on the bed. Bill goes on, and sucks the twink for two minutes. Bill turns Martin over, and eats his ass. A minute passes. Bill fucks Martin. Two minutes goes by. Martin kneels, and gets fucked. Martin is pushed down and fucked hard. 30 seconds goes by. Martin is turned over and his rope is cut. One hand is cuffed to the bed and he masturbates with the other. Bill continues to fuck Martin. Two minutes pass by. Martin cums. Bill takes his cock out, and finishes. Bill puts Martin's free hand in the cuff, and makes out with him.

Bill and Martin go back.

"I would like to welcome you two officially to the frat. I hope you feel most welcome here. Now fuck off fuck George."

The twinks leave.

"You've been a bad boy. Fucking my twinks. Paddle time for you."

The twinks end the bedroom. George's ass is struck with a paddle.


He is struck again.


"Hands behind your back."

George is handcuffed.

"Kneel slut."

George kneels, and sucks Bill's cock. Two minutes goes by. Bill gets George up, and sits him on the bed. Bill sucks George's two minutes go by. George is shoved on the bed, and turned over. Bill eats George's ass for two minutes. George is pounded. Two minutes go by. Bill lifts George up so he's on his knees. The fucking continues for two minutes. George is uncuffed, and turned over. He's cuffed to the bed, and fucked. Bill masturbates George.

George ejaculates in two minutes. Bill takes out his cock, and does the same.

Thane Pullan

My Dirtiest Fantasy

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